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作者:   发布时间 :2020年10月28日


























中华预防医学会微生态学分会 副主任委员;

中国微生物学会医学细菌学学组 主任委员;

中国医药教育协会微生态学教育分会 副主任委员;

中国噬菌体诊疗联盟 副理事长;

上海市微生物学会 副理事长、秘书长





时间:2022.01-01-2025.12.31 项目名称:耐药肺炎克雷伯菌对靶向保守受体噬菌体鸡尾酒制剂的耐受突变机制及适应性代价研究 项目编号:32170141 项目来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目

时间: 2021.07.01-2023.06.30 项目名称:全健康:从领域到政策 项目编号:无 项目来源:美国中华医学基金会(China Medical Board,CMB)

时间:2020.12-2021.12  项目名称:中国经验在阻断湄公血吸虫病传播中的适用性研究  项目编号:无  项目来源:2020年度上海交通大学“全球挑战计划”项目

时间:2016.01-2017.12  项目名称:上海市公共卫生三年行动计划重点学科建设项目传染病与卫生微生物学         项目编号:15GWZK0102  项目来源:上海市卫计委

时间:2011.01-2015.12  项目名称:自动化临床微生物分析检测仪器的研制  项目编号:2011AA02A100  项目来源:科技部863重大项目

时间:2013.01-2016.12  项目名称:不同动物源性致病性钩端螺旋体遗传变异规律和致病差异的分子机制研究  项目编号:81271793  项目来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目

时间:2012.01-2015.12  项目名称:基于Pan-genome技术探究问号钩端螺旋体不同血清型致病性差异的遗传基础         项目编号:81171587  项目来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目

时间:2012.01-2015.12  项目名称:超级细菌的预警监控和临床防治综合评价信息化平台的建立(子课题)  项目编号:2012EP001004  项目来源:科技部支撑计划

时间:2013.01-2015.12  项目名称:钩端螺旋体与宿主细胞相互作用及其分子致病机制的研究  项目编号:81261160321  项目来源:国家自然基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目

时间:2013.01-2015.12  项目名称:不同动物源性致病性钩端螺旋体遗传变异规律和致病差异的分子机制研究  项目编号:20120073110071  项目来源:高等学校博士学科点专项基金(博导类)

时间:2001.01-2003.12  项目名称:钩端螺旋体致病及免疫机理的功能基因组学研究  项目编号:2001AA223030  项目来源:科技部863计划

时间:2004.01-2005.12  项目名称:钩端螺旋体致病及免疫机理的功能基因组学研究  项目编号:2003AA223030  项目来源:科技部863计划

时间:2006.01-2008.12  项目名称:钩端螺旋体重要功能基因的发掘、鉴定和应用  项目编号:2006AA02Z176  项目来源:科技部863计划

时间:2004.01-2006.12  项目名称:钩端螺旋体溶血素基因结构、表达及功能的研究  项目编号:30670102  项目来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目

时间:2007.01-2009.12  项目名称:钩体血清型相关基因的研究  项目编号:30670102  项目来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目

时间:2008.01-2010.12  项目名称:钩端螺旋体比较蛋白质组学研究  项目编号:30770111  项目来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目

时间:2008.01-2010.12  项目名称:呼吸道感染和感染性腹泻病原体诊断和组合检测技术  项目编号:2008ZX10004-002  项目来源:十一五重大专项子课题

时间:2010.01-2011.12  项目名称:重要人兽共患病钩端螺旋体病通用疫苗的基础研究  项目编号:10JC1408200  项目来源:上海市科委基础研究重点项目

时间:2009.01-2010.12  项目名称:钩端螺旋体rel基因岛致病机理研究  项目编号:09XD1402700  项目来源:上海市科委



1. Huimin Li, Yi Xie, Fumin Chen, Huiwen Bai, Leshan Xiu, Xiaonong Zhou, Xiaokui Guo*, Qinqin Hu*and Kun Yin*. [Review] Amplification-free CRISPR/Cas Detection Technology: Challenges, Strategies, and Perspectives. Chemical Society Reviews 2023,52(1):361-382.

2. Yi Xie, Huimin Li, Fumin Chen, Srisruthi Udayakumar, Khyati Arora, Hui Chen, Yang Lan, Qinqin Hu, Xiaonong Zhou, Xiaokui Guo*, Leshan Xiu*, and Kun Yin*. [Review] Clustered Regularly Interspaced short palindromic repeats-Based Microfluidic System in Infectious Diseases Diagnosis: Current Status, Challenges, and Perspectives. Advanced Science 2022, 2204172.

3. Hanqing Zhao, Siwei Fei, Jingxian Yin, Qin Li, Tiange Jiang, ZhaoYu Guo, Jingbo Xue, Lefei Han, Xiaoxi Zhang, Shang Xia, Yi Zhang, Xiaokui Guo and Kokouvi Kassegne*. Assessment of performance for a key indicator of One Health: evidence based on One Health index for zoonoses in Sub-Saharan Africa. Infect Dis Poverty 2022, 11:109.

4. Cheng Z, Zhou N, Zhang X, Lv C, Guo X, Zhu Y, Li M. Urging health collaboration to combat antimicrobial resistance between China and B&R countries. Infect Dis Poverty 2022, 11(1):108.

5. Zhang XX, Liu JS, Han LF, Simm G, Guo XK, Zhou XN*: One Health: new evaluation framework launched. Nature 2022, 604:625.

6. Chao Lv, Jun Shang, Wengang Zhang, Bingqing Sun, Min Li1, Chaoyi Guo, Nan Zhou, Xiaokui Guo*, Shixin Huang* and Yongzhang Zhu*. Dynamic antimicrobial resistant patterns of Escherichia coli from healthy poultry and swine over 10 years in Chongming Island,Shanghai. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2022, 11:98.

7. Zhang XX#, Liu JS#, Han LF, Xia S, Li S-Z, Li OY, Kassegne KK, Li M, Yin K, Hu QQ, Xiu LS, Zhu YY, Huang LY, Wang XC, Zhang Y, Zhao HQ, Yin JX, Jiang TG, Li Q, Fei SW, Gu SY, Chen FM, Zhou N, Cheng ZL, Xie Y, Li HM, Chen J, Guo ZY,  Feng JX, Ai L, Xue JB, Ye Q, Grant L, Song JX, Simm G, Utzinger J, Guo XK*, Zhou XN*: Towards a global One Health index: a potential assessment tool for One Health performance. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2022, 11:57.

8. Nan Zhou # , Zile Cheng # , Xiaoxi Zhang, Chao Lv, Chaoyi Guo, Haodong Liu, Ke Dong , Yan Zhang, Chang Liu , Yunfu Chang, Sheng Chen , Xiaokui Guo*, Xiao-Nong Zhou*, Min Li*, Yongzhang Zhu*. Global antimicrobial resistance: a system-wide comprehensive investigation using the Global One Health Index. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2022, 11(1):92.

9. Zhu Y, Shi L, Zeng Y, Piao D, Xie Y, Du J, Gao M, Gao W, Tian J, Yue J, Li M, Guo X*, Yao Y*, Kang Y*. Key immunity characteristics of diverse stages of brucellosis in rural population from Inner Mongolia, China. Infect Dis Poverty 2022, 11(1):63.

10. Ping Lin, Junyu Sun, Xiaoyan Lou,Dan Li, Yun Shi, Zhenhua Li, Peijun Ma, Ping Li, Shuzi Chen, Weifeng Jin, Shuai Liu, Qing Chen, Qiong Gao, Lili Zhu, Jie Xu, Mengyuan Zhu, Mengxia Wang, Kangyi Liang, Ling Zhao, Huabin Xu, Ke Dong, Qingtian Li, Xunjia Cheng, Jinghong Chen*, Xiaokui Guo*. Consensus on potential biomarkers developed for use in clinical tests for schizophrenia. General Psychiatry 2022;35:e100685.

11. Miao L, Li H, Ding W, Lu S, Pan S, Guo X, Zhou X, Wang D. Research Priorities on One Health: A Bibliometric Analysis. Front Public Health 2022;10:889854.

12. Chang C, Yu X, Guo W, Guo C, Guo X*, Li Q*, Zhu Y*: Bacteriophage-Mediated Control of Biofilm: A Promising New Dawn for the Future. Front Microbiol 2022, 13:825828.

13. Cai M, Pu B, Wang Y, Lv L, Jiang C, Fu X, Zhang Y, Zhao W, Dong K, Yang Y, Liu Y, Wei Y, Zhang Z, Li J, Guo X, Liu C*, Qin J*: A Plasmid With Conserved Phage Genes Helps Klebsiella pneumoniae Defend Against the Invasion of Transferable DNA Elements at the Cost of Reduced Virulence. Front Microbiol 2022, 13:827545.

14. Jin LL, Deng L, Bartlett M, Ren YP, Lu JH, Chen Q, Pan YX, Wang H, Guo XK and Liu C*: A Novel Herbal Extract Blend Product Prevents Particulate Matters-Induced Inflammation by Improving Gut Microbiota and Maintaining the Integrity of the Intestinal Barrier. Nutrients 2022, 14(10): 2010.

15. Lin Lyu, Ru Feng, Mingnan Zhang, Qiyu Gong, Yinjing Liao, Yanjiao Zhou, Xiaokui Guo, Bing Su, Yair Dorsett*, Lei Chen*. Large scale sub-genomic RNA profiling suggests novel mechanism in coronavirus gene regulation and host adaption. Life Sci Alliance 2022, 5(8):e202101347.

16. Xiaomei Fu, Lin Lyu, Yue Wang, Yan Zhang, Xiaokui Guo, Qian Chen*, Chang Liu *. Safety assessment and probiotic characteristics of Enterococcus lactis JDM1. Microbial Pathogenesis 2022,163:105380.

17. Xinyu Feng, Sibao Wang, Gong Cheng, Xiaokui Guo and Xiaonong Zhou*. Editorial: Needs and potential application of One Health approach in the control of vector-borne and zoonotic infectious disease. Front Microbiol 2022, 13:1089174.

18. Liyuan Miao, Hao Li, Wei Ding, Shenning Lu, Shuning Pan, Xiaokui Guo, XiaoNong Zhou and Duoquan Wang*. Research Priorities on One Health: A Bibliometric Analysis. Front Microbiol 2022,10:889854.  

19. Wang Y, Fan X, Du L, Liu B, Xiao H, Zhang Y, Wu Y, Liu F, Chang YF*, Guo X*, He P*: Scavenger receptor A1 participates in uptake of Leptospira interrogans serovar Autumnalis strain 56606v and inflammation in mouse macrophages. Emerging microbes & infections 2021:1-39.

20. Feng T, Leptihn S, Dong K, Loh B,  Zhang Y, Stefan M, Li M, Guo X* and CuiZ*: JD419, a Staphylococcus aureus Phage With a Unique Morphology and Broad Host Range. Frontiers in microbiology 2021, 12:602902.

21. Wu N, Dai J, Guo M, Li J, Zhou X, Li F, Gao Y, Qu H, Lu H, Jin J, Li T, Shi L, Wu Q, Tan R, Zhu M, Yang L, Ling Y, Xing S, Zhang J, Yao B, Le S, Gu J, Qin J, Li J, Cheng M, Tan D, Li L, Zhang Y, Zhu Z, Cai J, Song Z, Guo X, Chen LK*, Zhu T*: Pre-optimized phage therapy on secondary Acinetobacter baumannii infection in four critical COVID-19 patients. Emerging microbes & infections 2021, 10:612-8.

22. Aman C, Wu Q, Lin L, Li H, Zhao L, Wen Z, Song Y, Wu Q, Wang J, Guo X, Wang H, Yu X, Wei D, Zhang S. Exosomal ncRNAs profiling of mycobacterial infection identified miRNA-185-5p as a novel biomarker for tuberculosis. Brief Bioinform 2021, bbab210.

23. Li T, Lyu L, Zhang Y, Dong K, Li Q*, Guo X*, Zhu Y*: A newly isolated E. thailandicus strain d5B with exclusively antimicrobial activity against C. difficile might be a novel therapy for controlling CDI. Genomics 2021, 113:475-83.

24. Qin J#, Wu N#, Bao J#, Shi X#, Ou H#, Ye S, Zhao W, Wei Z, Cai J, Li L, Guo M, Weng J, Lu H, Tan D, Zhang J, Huang Q, Zhu Z, Shi Y, Hu C, Guo X*, Zhu T*: Heterogeneous Klebsiella pneumoniae Co-infections Complicate Personalized Bacteriophage Therapy. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2021, 10:608402.

25. Li T, Lyu L, Zhang Y, Dong K, Li Q*, Guo X*, Zhu Y*: A newly isolated E. thailandicus strain d5B with exclusively antimicrobial activity against C. difficile might be a novel therapy for controlling CDI. Genomics 2021, 113:475-83.

26. Chen Q#, Ma X#, Li C, Shen Y, Zhu W, Zhang Y, Guo X, Zhou J*, Liu C*: Enteric Phageome Alterations in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2020, 10:575084.

27. Wu C#, Du X#, Tang L#, Wu J, Zhao W, Guo X, Liu D, Hu W, Helmby H, Chen G*, Wang Z*: Schistosoma japonicum SjE16.7 Protein Promotes Tumor Development via the Receptor for Advanced Glycation End Products (RAGE). Frontiers in immunology 2020, 11:1767.

28. Tan D, Zhang Y, Qin J, Le S, Gu J, Chen LK, Guo X, Zhu T*: A Frame shift Mutation in wcaJ Associated with Phage Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Microorganisms 2020, 8.

29. Qin J#, Wu N#, Bao J#, Shi X#, Ou H#, Ye S, Zhao W, Wei Z, Cai J, Li L, Guo M, Weng J, Lu H, Tan D, Zhang J, Huang Q, Zhu Z, Shi Y, Hu C, Guo X*, Zhu T*: Heterogeneous Klebsiella pneumoniae Co-infections Complicate Personalized Bacteriophage Therapy. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2020, 10:608402.

30. Li T, Zhang Y, Dong K, Kuo CJ, Li C, Zhu YQ, Qin J, Li QT, Chang YF*, Guo X*, Zhu Y*: Isolation and Characterization of the Novel Phage JD032 and Global Transcriptomic Response during JD032 Infection of Clostridioides difficile Ribotype 078. mSystems 2020, 5.

31. Ji J, Liu Q, Wang R, Luo T, Guo X, Xu M, Yin Q, Wang X, Zhou M, Li M*, He P*: Identification of a novel phage targeting methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus In vitro and In vivo. Microbial pathogenesis 2020, 149:104317.

32. Bao J#, Wu N#, Zeng Y#, Chen L#, Li L, Yang L, Zhang Y, Guo M, Li L, Li J, Tan D, Cheng M, Gu J, Qin J, Liu J, Li S, Pan G, Jin X, Yao B, Guo X, Zhu T*, Le S: Non-active antibiotic and bacteriophage synergism to successfully treat recurrent urinary tract infection caused by extensively drug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae. Emerging microbes & infections 2020, 9:771-4.

33. Zhang C#, Xu J#, Zhang T#, Qiu H, Li Z, Zhang E, Li S, Chang YF, Guo X, Jiang X*, Zhu Y*: Genetic characteristics of pathogenic Leptospira in wild small animals and livestock in Jiangxi Province, China, 2002-2015. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2019, 13:e0007513.

34. Tan D, Zhang Y, Cheng M, Le S, Gu J, Bao J, Qin J, Guo X, Zhu T*: Characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae ST11 Isolates and Their Interactions with Lytic Phages. Viruses 2019, 11.

35. Sun Y#, Chen Q#, Lin P#, Xu R#, He D, Ji W, Bian Y, Shen Y, Li Q, Liu C, Dong K, Tang YW, Pei Z, Yang L, Lu H, Guo X*, Xiao L*: Characteristics of Gut Microbiota in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis in Shanghai, China. Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2019, 9:369.

36. Li XM#, Kang YX#, Lin L, Jia EH, Piao DR, Jiang H, Zhang CC, He J, Chang YF*, Guo XK*, Zhu Y*: Genomic Characterization Provides New Insights for Detailed Phage- Resistant Mechanism for Brucella abortus. Frontiers in microbiology 2019, 10:917.

37. Du X#, Zhang Y#, Li X, Li Q, Wu C, Chen G, Guo X, Weng Y*, Wang Z*: PRL2 serves as a negative regulator in cell adaptation to oxidative stress. Cell & bioscience 2019, 9:96.

38. Cui Z, Guo X, Feng T, Li L*: Exploring the whole standard operating procedure for phage therapy in clinical practice. Journal of translational medicine 2019, 17:373.

39. Zhu L, Luo F, Hu W, Han Y, Wang Y, Zheng H, Guo X*, Qin J*: Bacterial Communities in the Womb During Healthy Pregnancy. Frontiers in microbiology 2018, 9:2163.

40. Yin C#, Wu C#, Du X, Fang Y, Pu J, Wu J, Tang L, Zhao W, Weng Y, Guo X, Chen G*, Wang Z*: PRL2 Controls Phagocyte Bactericidal Activity by Sensing and Regulating ROS. Frontiers in immunology 2018, 9:2609.

41. Wei Y#, Yang F#, Wu Q, Gao J, Liu W, Liu C, Guo X, Suwal S, Kou Y, Zhang B, Wang Y, Zheng K*, Tang R*: Protective Effects of Bifidobacterial Strains Against Toxigenic Clostridium difficile. Frontiers in microbiology 2018, 9:888.

42. Wang J, Teng Z, Cui X, Li C, Pan H, Zheng Y, Mao S, Yang Y, Wu L, Guo X, Zhang X, Zhu Y: Epidemiological and serological surveillance of hand-foot-and-mouth disease in Shanghai, China, 2012-2016. Emerging microbes & infections 2018, 7:8.

43. Wang J#, Teng Z#, Chu W, Fang F, Cui X, Guo X, Zhang X*, Thorley BR*, Zhu Y*: The emergence and spread of one Coxsackievirus A16 Genogroup D novel recombinant strain that caused a clustering HFMD outbreak in Shanghai, China, 2016. Emerging microbes & infections 2018, 7:131.

44. Ding B, Li Q, Guo M, Dong K, Zhang Y, Guo X, Liu Q, Li L*, Cui Z*: Prevention of Dermal Abscess Formation Caused by Staphylococcus aureus Using Phage JD007 in Nude Mice. Frontiers in microbiology 2018, 9:1553.

45. Zhou K, Xie L, Han L, Guo X, Wang Y*, Sun J*: ICESag37, a Novel Integrative and Conjugative Element Carrying Antimicrobial Resistance Genes and Potential Virulence Factors in Streptococcus agalactiae. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:1921.

46. Zhang F, Wang X, Xie L, Zheng Q, Guo X, Han L, Sun J*: A novel transposon, Tn6306, mediates the spread of blaIMI in Enterobacteriaceae in hospitals. International journal of infectious diseases : IJID : official publication of the International Society for Infectious Diseases 2017, 65:22-6.

47. Zeng L#, Wang D#, Hu N, Zhu Q, Chen K, Dong K, Zhang Y, Yao Y*, Guo X*, Chang YF*, Zhu Y*: A Novel Pan-Genome Reverse Vaccinology Approach Employing a Negative-Selection Strategy for Screening Surface-Exposed Antigens against leptospirosis. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:396.

48. Xie L#, Dou Y#, Zhou K, Chen Y, Han L, Guo X, Sun J*: Coexistence of blaOXA-48 and Truncated blaNDM-1 on Different Plasmids in a Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolate in China. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:133.

49. Xiao SZ, Wang S#, Wu WM#, Zhao SY, Gu FF, Ni YX, Guo XK, Qu JM*, Han LZ*: The Resistance Phenotype and Molecular Epidemiology of Klebsiella pneumoniae in Bloodstream Infections in Shanghai, China, 2012-2015. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:250.

50. Xia B#, Sun L#, Fan X, Xiao H, Zhu Y, Qin J, Cai C, Zhao W, Chang YF, Zhang Y*, Guo X*, He P*: A new model of self-resolving leptospirosis in mice infected with a strain of Leptospira interrogans serovar Autumnalis harboring LPS signaling only through TLR4. Emerging microbes & infections 2017, 6:e36.

51. Wang S#, Xiao SZ#, Gu FF, Tang J, Guo XK, Ni YX, Qu JM*, Han LZ*: Antimicrobial susceptibility and molecular epidemiology of clinical Enterobacter cloacae bloodstream isolates in Shanghai, China. PloS one 2017, 12:e0189713.

52. Song Z#, Gu FF#, Guo XK, Ni YX, He P*, Han LZ*: Antimicrobial Resistance and Molecular Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus Causing Childhood Pneumonia in Shanghai. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:455.

53. Lin P, Ding B, Feng C, Yin S, Zhang T, Qi X, Lv H, Guo X, Dong K, Zhu Y, Li Q*: Prevotella and Klebsiella proportions in fecal microbial communities are potential characteristic parameters for patients with major depressive disorder. Journal of affective disorders 2017, 207:300-4.

54. Hua Y#, Luo T#, Yang Y#, Dong D, Wang R, Wang Y, Xu M, Guo X, Hu F*, He P*: Phage Therapy as a Promising New Treatment for Lung Infection Caused by Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Mice. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:2659.

55. Guo M, Feng C, Ren J, Zhuang X, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Dong K, He P, Guo X*, Qin J*: A Novel Antimicrobial Endolysin, LysPA26, against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Frontiers in microbiology 2017, 8:293.

56. Cui Z, Guo X, Dong K, Zhang Y, Li Q, Zhu Y, Zeng L, Tang R, Li L*: Safety assessment of Staphylococcus phages of the family Myoviridae based on complete genome sequences. Scientific reports 2017, 7:41259.

57. Cui Z*#, Feng T#, Gu F, Li Q, Dong K, Zhang Y, Zhu Y, Han L, Qin J, Guo X*: Characterization and complete genome of the virulent Myoviridae phage JD007 active against a variety of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from different hospitals in Shanghai, China. Virology journal 2017, 14:26.

58. Chen Q, Ren Y, Lu J, Bartlett M, Chen L, Zhang Y, Guo X, Liu C*: A Novel Prebiotic Blend Product Prevents Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Mice by Improving Gut Microbiota and Modulating Immune Response. Nutrients 2017, 9.

59. Zhao SY#, Zhang J#, Zhang YL#, Wang YC, Xiao SZ, Gu FF, Guo XK, Ni YX, Han LZ*: Epidemiology and risk factors for faecal extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-E) carriage derived from residents of seven nursing homes in western Shanghai, China. Epidemiology and infection 2016, 144:695-702.

60. Zhang Q, Wan H, Huang S, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Guo X, He P*, Zhou M: Critical role of RIG-I-like receptors in inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The clinical respiratory journal 2016, 10:22-31.

61. Zhang F, Xie L, Wang X, Han L, Guo X, Ni Y, Qu H*, Sun J*: Further Spread of bla NDM-5 in Enterobacteriaceae via IncX3 Plasmids in Shanghai, China. Frontiers in microbiology 2016, 7:424.

62. Xu Y*, Zhu Y*, Wang Y*, Chang YF, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Zhuang X, Zhu Y, Zhang J, Zeng L, Yang M, Li S, Wang S, Ye Q, Xin X, Zhao G, Zheng H, Guo X, Wang J: Whole genome sequencing revealed host adaptation-focused genomic plasticity of pathogenic Leptospira. Scientific reports 2016, 6:20020.

63. Xie L, Wu J, Zhang F, Han L, Guo X, Ni Y, Sun J*: Molecular Epidemiology and Genetic Characteristics of Various blaPER Genes in Shanghai, China. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 2016, 60:3849-53.

64. Wei Y#, Ye L#, Li Y, Yang F, Liu D, Guo X, Tang R*, Liu C*: Functional characterization of RelBE toxin-antitoxin system in probiotic Bifidobacterium longum JDM301. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2016, 48:741-9.

65. Wang Y, Li R, Zhou Y, Ling Z, Guo X, Xie L, Liu L*: Motif-Based Text Mining of Microbial Metagenome Redundancy Profiling Data for Disease Classification. BioMed research international 2016, 2016:6598307.

66. Wang Y, Ding X, Chen Y, Guo M, Zhang Y, Guo X*, Gu H*: Antibiotic-loaded, silver core-embedded mesoporous silica nanovehicles as a synergistic antibacterial agent for the treatment of drug-resistant infections. Biomaterials 2016, 101:207-16.

67. Wang S#, Zhao SY#, Xiao SZ, Gu FF, Liu QZ, Tang J, Guo XK, Ni YX, Han LZ*: Antimicrobial Resistance and Molecular Epidemiology of Escherichia coli Causing Bloodstream Infections in Three Hospitals in Shanghai, China. PloS one 2016, 11:e0147740.

68. Shi SF, Jia JF, Guo XK, Zhao YP, Chen DS, Guo YY, Zhang XL*: Reduced Staphylococcus aureus biofilm formation in the presence of chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles. International journal of nanomedicine 2016, 11:6499-506.

69. Gu FF, Zhang J, Zhao SY, Yang ZR, Zhang YL, Xiao SZ, Wang S, Guo XK, Qu JM, Ni YX, Han LZ*: Risk factors for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage among residents in 7 nursing homes in Shanghai, China. American journal of infection control 2016, 44:805-8.

70. Gu FF#, Chen Y#, Dong DP, Song Z, Guo XK, Ni YX, Han LZ*: Molecular Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus among Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Two Chinese Hospitals. Chinese medical journal 2016, 129:2319-24.

71. Zhu W, Wang J, Zhu Y, Tang B, Zhang Y, He P, Zhang Y, Liu B, Guo X*, Zhao G*, Qin J*: Identification of three extra-chromosomal replicons in Leptospira pathogenic strain and development of new shuttle vectors. BMC genomics 2015, 16:90.

72. Zhou Y, Lin F, Cui Z, Zhang X, Hu C, Shen T, Chen C, Zhang X*, Guo X*: Correlation between Either Cupriavidus or Porphyromonas and Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis Found by Analysing the Microbiota in Patients' Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid. PloS one 2015, 10:e0124194.

73. Zhao SY, Wang YC, Xiao SZ, Jiang XF, Guo XK, Ni YX, Han LZ*: Drug susceptibility and molecular epidemiology of Escherichia coli in bloodstream infections in Shanghai, China, 2011-2013. Infectious diseases 2015, 47:310-8.

74. Zhang Y, Sun J, Mi C, Li W, Zhao S, Wang Q, Shi D, Liu L, Ding B, Chang YF, Guo H*, Guo X, Li Q*, Zhu Y*: First report of two rapid-onset fatal infections caused by a newly emerging hypervirulent K. Pneumonia ST86 strain of serotype K2 in China. Frontiers in microbiology 2015, 6:721.

75. Zhang J#, Gu FF#, Zhao SY, Xiao SZ, Wang YC, Guo XK, Ni YX, Han LZ*: Prevalence and Molecular Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus among Residents of Seven Nursing Homes in Shanghai. PloS one 2015, 10:e0137593.

76. Zhang C, Yang H, Li X, Cao Z, Zhou H, Zeng L, Xu J, Xu Y, Chang YF, Guo X*, Zhu Y*, Jiang X*: Molecular Typing of Pathogenic Leptospira Serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae Strains Circulating in China during the Past 50 Years. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2015, 9:e0003762.

77. Zeng LB#, Zhuang XR#, Huang LL, Zhang YY, Chen CY, Dong K, Zhang Y, Cui ZL, Ding XL, Chang YF*, Guo XK*, Zhu YZ*: Comparative subproteome analysis of three representative Leptospira interrogans vaccine strains reveals cross-reactive antigens and novel virulence determinants. Journal of proteomics 2015, 112:27-37.

78. Wei YX#, Ye L#, Liu DB, Zhang ZY, Liu C*, Guo XK*: Activation of the chromosomally encoded mazEF(Bif) locus of Bifidobacterium longum under acid stress. International journal of food microbiology 2015, 207:16-22.

79. Wang Y, Zhuang X, Zhong Y, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Zeng L, Zhu Y, He P, Dong K, Pal U*, Guo X*, Qin J*: Distribution of Plasmids in Distinct Leptospira Pathogenic Species. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2015, 9:e0004220.

80. Wang XF#, Tian F#, Cao RM, Li J, Wu SM, Guo XK*, Chen TX*: Antimicrobial activity of human beta-defensins against lactic acid bacteria. Natural product research 2015, 29:2164-6.

81. Scaria J#, Suzuki H#, Ptak CP, Chen JW, Zhu Y, Guo XK, Chang YF: Comparative genomic and phenomic analysis of Clostridium difficile and Clostridium sordellii, two related pathogens with differing host tissue preference. BMC genomics 2015, 16:448.

82. Kang YX, Li XM, Piao DR, Tian GZ, Jiang H, Jia EH, Lin L, Cui BY*, Chang YF*, Guo XK*, Zhu YZ*: Typing Discrepancy Between Phenotypic and Molecular Characterization Revealing an Emerging Biovar 9 Variant of Smooth Phage-Resistant B. abortus Strain 8416 in China. Frontiers in microbiology 2015, 6:1375.

83. Gu FF#, Hou Q#, Yang HH, Zhu YQ, Guo XK, Ni YX, Han LZ*: Characterization of Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Non-Native Patients with Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Shanghai. PloS one 2015, 10:e0123557.

84. Fang Y#, Wu C#, Chen Q, Wu J, Yang Y, Guo X, Chen G*, Wang Z*: SjE16.7 activates macrophages and promotes Schistosoma japonicum egg-induced granuloma development. Acta tropica 2015, 149:49-58.

85. Fan J, Zhang Y, Xiong H, Wang Y, Guo X*: Nucleotide analogue-resistant mutations in hepatitis B viral genomes found in hepatitis B patients. The Journal of general virology 2015, 96:663-70.

86. Zhu WN#, Huang LL#, Zeng LB, Zhuang XR, Chen CY, Wang YZ, Qin JH, Zhu YZ, Guo XK*: Isolation and characterization of two novel plasmids from pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serogroup Canicola Serovar Canicola strain Gui44. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2014, 8:e3103.

87. Zhao JW, Sun ZQ, Zhang XY, Zhang Y, Liu J, Ye J, Chen CC, Samten B, Wang HH, Guo XK*, Zhang SL*: Mycobacterial 3-hydroxyacyl-l-thioester dehydratase Y derived from Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces COX-2 expression in mouse macrophages through MAPK-NF-kappaB pathway. Immunology letters 2014, 161:125-32.

88. Yuan L, Cui Z, Wang Y, Guo X*, Zhao Y*: Complete genome sequence of virulent bacteriophage SHOU24, which infects foodborne pathogenic Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Archives of virology 2014, 159:3089-93.

89. Yu XL, Wen ZL, Chen GZ, Li R, Ding BB, Yao YF, Li Y, Wu H, Guo XK, Wang HH, Zhang SL*: Molecular characterization of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolated from south-central in China. The Journal of antibiotics 2014, 67:291-7.

90. Wu J, Lin K, Zeng J, Liu W, Yang F, Wang X, Xiao Y, Guo X, Nie H, Zhou T, Xu C*: Role of DC-SIGN in Helicobacter pylori infection of gastrointestinal cells. Frontiers in bioscience 2014, 19:825-34.

91. Wu J, Lin K, Zeng J, Liu W, Yang F, Wang X, Xiao Y, Guo X, Nie H, Zhou T, Xu C*: Role of DC-SIGN in Helicobacter pylori infection of gastrointestinal cells. Frontiers in bioscience 2014, 19:825-34.

92. Wu C#, Chen Q#, Fang Y, Wu J, Han Y, Wang Y, Yang Y, Chu M, Feng Y, Tan L, Guo X, Hu W, Wang Z*: Schistosoma japonicum egg specific protein SjE16.7 recruits neutrophils and induces inflammatory hepatic granuloma initiation. PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2014, 8:e2703.

93. Wang YL, Qin JH, Zhang CC, Guo XK, Jiang XG*, He P*: An outbreak of leptospirosis in Lezhi County, China in 2010 may possibly be linked to rainfall. Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES 2014, 27:56-9.

94. Wang Y, Zhao S, Han L, Guo X, Chen M, Ni Y, Zhang Y, Cui Z, He P*: Drug resistance and virulence of uropathogenic Escherichia coli from Shanghai, China. The Journal of antibiotics 2014, 67:799-805.

95. Liu B*, Wang Y*, Guo X*, Zhu W*, Zhang Y*, He P*: Carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester labeling method to study the interaction between Leptospira and macrophages. Journal of microbiological methods 2014, 107:205-13.

96. Huang L#, Zhu W#, He P, Zhang Y, Zhuang X, Zhao G, Guo X, Qin J*, Zhu Y*: Re-characterization of an extrachromosomal circular plasmid in the pathogenic Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai strain 56601. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2014, 46:605-11.

97. Fan J, Wang Y, Xiong H, Guo X*, Cheng YC*: Impact of the rtI187V polymerase substitution of hepatitis B virus on viral replication and antiviral drug susceptibility. The Journal of general virology 2014, 95:2523-30.

98. Zhao J, Sun Z, Pei H, Ye J, Chen C, Samten B, Zhang S*, Guo X*: Immunological evaluation of a novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen, Rv3117, absent in Mycobacterium bovis BCG. Molecular medicine reports 2013, 8:1587-93.

99. Zhang ZY#*, Sun ZQ#, Wang ZL, Hu HR, Wen ZL, Song YZ, Zhao JW, Wang HH, Guo XK, Zhang SL: Identification and pathogenicity analysis of a novel non-tuberculous mycobacterium clinical isolate with nine-antibiotic resistance. Clinical microbiology and infection : the official publication of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 2013, 19:91-6.

100. Zhang Y, Dong K, Zeng L, Li Q, Liu C, Wang J, Guo X*, Zhao GP*: Genetic and molecular biological characterization of two homologous cheR genes from Leptospira interrogans. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2013, 45:806-16.

101. Zeng L#, Zhang Y#, Zhu Y, Yin H, Zhuang X, Zhu W, Guo X*, Qin J*: Extracellular proteome analysis of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai. Omics : a journal of integrative biology 2013, 17:527-35.

102. Kang Y, Jia E, Lin L, Duan X, Xiao P, Peng J, Gao W, Zhang C, Guo X*, Cui B*, Li X*: Simultaneous emergence of several biotypes of Brucella among Baotou's brucellosis patients by combined diagnostic strategy. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2013, 45:893-5.

103. He P, Deng C, Liu B, Zeng L, Zhao W, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Guo X, Qin J*: Characterization of a bifunctional enzyme with (p)ppGpp-hydrolase/synthase activity in Leptospira interrogans. FEMS microbiology letters 2013, 348:133-42.

104. Gong L, Han Y, Chen L, Liu F, Hao P, Sheng J, Li XH, Yu DM, Gong QM, Tian F, Guo XK, Zhang XX*: Comparison of next-generation sequencing and clone-based sequencing in analysis of hepatitis B virus reverse transcriptase quasispecies heterogeneity. Journal of clinical microbiology 2013, 51:4087-94.

105. Chen C, Shen T, Tian F, Lin P, Li Q, Cui Z, Zhang Y, Xue M, Ye J, Guo X, Zhou Y*: New microbiota found in sputum from patients with community-acquired pneumonia. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2013, 45:1039-48.

106. Zhou Y, Tao J, Yu H, Ni J, Zeng L, Teng Q, Kim KS, Zhao GP, Guo X*, Yao Y*: Hcp family proteins secreted via the type VI secretion system coordinately regulate Escherichia coli K1 interaction with human brain microvascular endothelial cells. Infection and immunity 2012, 80:1243-51.

107. Zheng LL, Li YX, Ding J, Guo XK, Feng KY, Wang YJ, Hu LL, Cai YD*, Hao P*, Chou KC: A comparison of computational methods for identifying virulence factors. PloS one 2012, 7:e42517.

108. Zhang ZY, Liu C, Zhu YZ, Wei YX, Tian F, Zhao GP, Guo XK*: Safety assessment of Lactobacillus plantarum JDM1 based on the complete genome. International journal of food microbiology 2012, 153:166-70.

109. Zhang Y#, Lou XL#, Yang HL, Guo XK, Zhang XY, He P*, Jiang XC*: Establishment of a leptospirosis model in guinea pigs using an epicutaneous inoculations route. BMC infectious diseases 2012, 12:20.

110. Zhang MM, Zhao JW, Sun ZQ, Liu J, Guo XK, Liu WD*, Zhang SL*: Identification of RD5-encoded Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins as B-cell antigens used for serodiagnosis of tuberculosis. Clinical & developmental immunology 2012, 2012:738043.

111. Wei YX, Zhang ZY, Liu C, Malakar PK, Guo XK*: Safety assessment of Bifidobacterium longum JDM301 based on complete genome sequences. World journal of gastroenterology 2012, 18:479-88.

112. Wang Y, Zhou Y, Li Y, Ling Z, Zhu Y, Guo X*, Sun H*: An improved dimensionality reduction method for meta-transcriptome indexing based diseases classification. BMC systems biology 2012, 6 Suppl 3:S12.

113. Shi SF, Jia JF, Guo XK, Zhao YP, Chen DS, Guo YY, Cheng T, Zhang XL*: Biocompatibility of chitosan-coated iron oxide nanoparticles with osteoblast cells. International journal of nanomedicine 2012, 7:5593-602.

114. Peng N, Zhong Y, Zhang Q, Zheng M, Zhao W, Jiang H, Yang C, Guo X, Zhao G*: Characterization of acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA carboxylases encoded by Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai: an initial biochemical study for leptospiral gluconeogenesis via anaplerotic CO(2) assimilation. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2012, 44:692-702.

115. Li Q, Huang J, Guo H, Guo X, Zhu Y*, Dong K*: Bactericidal activity against meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus of a novel eukaryotic therapeutic recombinant antimicrobial peptide. International journal of antimicrobial agents 2012, 39:496-9.

116. Cui Z, Zhou Y, Li H, Zhang Y, Zhang S, Tang S*, Guo X*: Complex sputum microbial composition in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. BMC microbiology 2012, 12:276.

117. Cui Z, Song Z, Wang Y, Zeng L, Shen W, Wang Z, Li Q, He P, Qin J*, Guo X*: Complete genome sequence of wide-host-range Staphylococcus aureus phage JD007. Journal of virology 2012, 86:13880-1.

118. Cui Z, Shen W, Wang Z, Zhang H, Me R, Wang Y, Zeng L, Zhu Y, Qin J, He P*, Guo X*: Complete genome sequence of Klebsiella pneumoniae phage JD001. Journal of virology 2012, 86:13843.

119. Zhong Y*, Chang X*, Cao XJ*, Zhang Y, Zheng H, Zhu Y, Cai C, Cui Z, Zhang Y, Li YY, Jiang XG, Zhao GP, Wang S*, Li Y*, Zeng R*, Li X*, Guo XK*: Comparative proteogenomic analysis of the Leptospira interrogans virulence-attenuated strain IPAV against the pathogenic strain 56601. Cell research 2011, 21:1210-29.

120. Zhang ZY, Sun ZQ, Wang ZL, Wen ZL, Sun QW, Zhu ZQ, Song YZ, Zhao JW, Wang HH#, Zhang SL#*, Guo XK#*: Complete genome sequence of a novel clinical isolate, the nontuberculous Mycobacterium strain JDM601. Journal of bacteriology 2011, 193:4300-1.

121. Zhang SM*, Tian F*, Huang QF, Zhao YF, Guo XK, Zhang FQ: Bacterial diversity of subgingival plaque in 6 healthy Chinese individuals. Experimental and therapeutic medicine 2011, 2:1023-9.

122. Zhang SM*, Tian F*, Huang QF, Zhao YF, Guo XK, Zhang FQ: Bacterial diversity of subgingival plaque in 6 healthy Chinese individuals. Experimental and therapeutic medicine 2011, 2:1023-9.

123. Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Zhong Y, Ma J, Peng N, Cao X, Yang C, Zeng R, Guo X, Zhao G*: Leptospira interrogans encodes an ROK family glucokinase involved in a cryptic glucose utilization pathway. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2011, 43:618-29.

124. Yalin W, Lingbing Z, Hongliang Y, Jianmin X, Xiangyan Z, Xiaokui G, Utpal P, Jinhong Q*: High prevalence of pathogenic Leptospira in wild and domesticated animals in an endemic area of China. Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine 2011, 4:841-5.

125. Ning RD, Zhang XL*, Li QT, Guo XK: The effect of Staphylococcus aureus on apoptosis of cultured human osteoblasts. Orthopaedic surgery 2011, 3:199-204.

126. Ning R, Zhang X*, Guo X, Li Q: Staphylococcus aureus regulates secretion of interleukin-6 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 through activation of nuclear factor kappaB signaling pathway in human osteoblasts. The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases : an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases 2011, 15:189-94.

127. Cheng Z, Zhao JW, Sun ZQ, Song YZ, Sun QW, Zhang XY, Zhang XL, Wang HH, Guo XK, Liu YF*, Zhang SL*: Evaluation of a novel fusion protein antigen for rapid serodiagnosis of tuberculosis. Journal of clinical laboratory analysis 2011, 25:344-9.

128. Zhu YZ#, Cai CS#, Zhang W, Guo HX, Zhang JP, Ji YY, Ma GY, Wu JL, Li QT, Lu CP, Guo XK*: Immunoproteomic analysis of human serological antibody responses to vaccination with whole-cell pertussis vaccine (WCV). PloS one 2010, 5:e13915.

129. Zhou Y, Lin P, Li Q, Han L, Zheng H, Wei Y, Cui Z, Ni Y, Guo X*: Analysis of the microbiota of sputum samples from patients with lower respiratory tract infections. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2010, 42:754-61.

130. Yang J#, Xu J#, Chen X#, Zhang Y, Jiang X, Guo X, Zhao G*: Decrease of plasma platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase activity in lipopolysaccharide induced mongolian gerbil sepsis model. PloS one 2010, 5:e9190.

131. Wu CY*, Feng Y*, Qian GC#, Wu JH*, Luo J#, Wang Y, Chen GJ, Guo XK*, Wang ZJ*: alpha-Galactosylceramide protects mice from lethal Coxsackievirus B3 infection and subsequent myocarditis. Clinical and experimental immunology 2010, 162:178-87.

132. Wei YX, Zhang ZY, Liu C, Zhu YZ, Zhu YQ, Zheng H, Zhao GP, Wang S, Guo XK*: Complete genome sequence of Bifidobacterium longum JDM301. Journal of bacteriology 2010, 192:4076-7.

133. Ning R, Zhang X*, Guo X, Li Q: Attachment of Staphylococcus aureus is required for activation of nuclear factor kappa B in human osteoblasts. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2010, 42:883-92.

134. Liu C, Zhang ZY, Dong K, Guo XK*: Adhesion and immunomodulatory effects of Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 on intestinal epithelial cells INT-407. World journal of gastroenterology 2010, 16:2283-90.

135. Dong K#, Li Q#, Liu C, Zhang Y, Zhao G, Guo X*: Cloning and characterization of three cheB genes in Leptospira interrogans. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2010, 42:216-23.

136. Cao XJ, Dai J, Xu H, Nie S, Chang X, Hu BY, Sheng QH, Wang LS, Ning ZB, Li YX, Guo XK, Zhao GP*, Zeng R*: High-coverage proteome analysis reveals the first insight of protein modification systems in the pathogenic spirochete Leptospira interrogans. Cell research 2010, 20:197-210.

137. Cai CS#, Zhu YZ#, Zhong Y, Xin XF, Jiang XG, Lou XL, He P, Qin JH, Zhao GP, Wang SY*, Guo XK*: Development of O-antigen gene cluster-specific PCRs for rapid typing six epidemic serogroups of Leptospira in China. BMC microbiology 2010, 10:67.

138. Zhao W, Chen CY, Zhang XY, Lai WQ, Hu BY, Zhao GP, Qin JH*, Guo XK*: Molecular characterization of the pL40 protein in Leptospira interrogans. Canadian journal of microbiology 2009, 55:739-49.

139. Zhang ZY, Liu C, Zhu YZ, Zhong Y, Zhu YQ, Zheng HJ, Zhao GP, Wang SY, Guo XK*: Complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum JDM1. Journal of bacteriology 2009, 191:5020-1.

140. Zhang SM*, Tian F#, Jiang XQ#*, Li J*, Xu C*, Guo XK#, Zhang FQ*: Evidence for calcifying nanoparticles in gingival crevicular fluid and dental calculus in periodontitis. Journal of periodontology 2009, 80:1462-70.

141. Yuan J*, Li P, Tao J, Shi X, Hu B, Chen H, Guo X*: H. pylori escape host immunoreaction through inhibiting ILK expression by VacA. Cellular & molecular immunology 2009, 6:191-7.

142. Yao Y, Xie Y, Perace D, Zhong Y, Lu J, Tao J, Guo X, Kim KS*: The type III secretion system is involved in the invasion and intracellular survival of Escherichia coli K1 in human brain microvascular endothelial cells. FEMS microbiology letters 2009, 300:18-24.

143. Yang R*, Guo X, Yang J, Jiang Y, Pang B, Chen C, Yao Y, Qin J, Li Q: Genomic research for important pathogenic bacteria in China. Science in China Series C, Life sciences 2009, 52:50-63.

144. Yang J#, Zhang Y#, Xu J, Geng Y, Chen X, Yang H, Wang S, Wang H, Jiang X, Guo X, Zhao G*: Serum activity of platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase is a potential clinical marker for leptospirosis pulmonary hemorrhage. PloS one 2009, 4:e4181.

145. Lu Q#, Yu DH#, Fang C, Liu F, Ye X, Zhao Y, Qin J, Guo XK, Liang M, Hu F, Chen HZ*: Influence of E3 region on conditionally replicative adenovirus mediated cytotoxicity in hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Cancer biology & therapy 2009, 8:1125-32.

146. Liu C, Zhang ZY, Dong K, Yuan JP, Guo XK*: Antibiotic resistance of probiotic strains of lactic acid bacteria isolated from marketed foods and drugs. Biomedical and environmental sciences : BES 2009, 22:401-12.

147. Feng CY, Li QT*, Zhang XY, Dong K, Hu BY, Guo XK: Immune strategies using single-component LipL32 and multi-component recombinant LipL32-41-OmpL1 vaccines against leptospira. Brazilian journal of medical and biological research = Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas 2009, 42:796-803.

148. Zhu YZ*, Li QT*, Wang L, Zhong Y, Ding GH, Li G, Jia PL, Shi TL, Guo XK: Gene expression profiling-based in silico approach to identify potential vaccine candidates and drug targets against B. pertussis and B. parapertussis. Omics : a journal of integrative biology 2008, 12:161-9.

149. Zhang YX#, Geng Y#, Yang JW, Guo XK, Zhao GP*: Cytotoxic activity and probable apoptotic effect of Sph2, a sphigomyelinase hemolysin from Leptospira interrogans strain Lai. BMB reports 2008, 41:119-25.

150. Qin JH#, Zhang Q#, Zhang ZM, Zhong Y, Yang Y, Hu BY, Zhao GP*, Guo XK*: Identification of a novel prophage-like gene cluster actively expressed in both virulent and avirulent strains of Leptospira interrogans serovar Lai. Infection and immunity 2008, 76:2411-9.

151. Zou Y, Guo X, Picardeau M, Xu H, Zhao G*: A comprehensive survey on isoleucine biosynthesis pathways in seven epidemic Leptospira interrogans reference strains of China. FEMS microbiology letters 2007, 269:90-6.

152. He P#, Sheng YY#, Shi YZ, Jiang XG, Qin JH, Zhang ZM, Zhao GP*, Guo XK*: Genetic diversity among major endemic strains of Leptospira interrogans in China. BMC genomics 2007, 8:204.

153. Yang HL, Zhu YZ, Qin JH, He P, Jiang XC, Zhao GP*, Guo XK*: In silico and microarray-based genomic approaches to identifying potential vaccine candidates against Leptospira interrogans. BMC genomics 2006, 7:293.

154. Yang HL, Jiang XC*, Zhang XY, Li WJ, Hu BY, Zhao GP, Guo XK*: Thrombocytopenia in the experimental leptospirosis of guinea pig is not related to disseminated intravascular coagulation. BMC infectious diseases 2006, 6:19.

155. Qin JH, Sheng YY, Zhang ZM, Shi YZ, He P, Hu BY, Yang Y, Liu SG, Zhao GP*, Guo XK*: Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of temperature shift in L. interrogans serovar lai strain 56601. BMC microbiology 2006, 6:51.

156. Li ZH#, Dong K#, Yuan JP, Hu BY, Liu JX, Zhao GP*, Guo XK*: Characterization of the cheY genes from Leptospira interrogans and their effects on the behavior of Escherichia coli. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2006, 345:858-66.

157. Li ZH, Dong K, Sun JC, Yuan JP, Hu BY, Liu JX, Zhao GP*, Guo XK*: Characterization of cheW genes of Leptospira interrogans and their effects in Escherichia coli. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2006, 38:79-88.

158. Li QT#, Zhu YZ#, Chu JY*, Dong K, He P, Feng CY, Hu BY, Zhang SM, Guo XK*: Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor DNA prime-protein boost strategy to enhance efficacy of a recombinant pertussis DNA vaccine. Acta pharmacologica Sinica 2006, 27:1487-94.

159. Li Q#, Zhu Y#, Chu J, Wang Y, Xu Y, Hou Q, Zhang S, Guo X*: Protective immunity against Bordetella pertussis by a recombinant DNA vaccine and the effect of coinjection with a granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor gene. Microbiology and immunology 2006, 50:929-36.

160. Guo XK, Zhao WQ, Kondo C, Shimojo N, Yamashita K, Aoki T, Hayakawa T*: Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) and -2(TIMP-2) are major serum factors that stimulate the TIMP-1 gene in human gingival fibroblasts. Biochimica et biophysica acta 2006, 1763:296-304.

161. Zhang YX#, Geng Y#, Bi B, He JY, Wu CF, Guo XK, Zhao GP*: Identification and classification of all potential hemolysin encoding genes and their products from Leptospira interrogans serogroup Icterohae-morrhagiae serovar Lai. Acta pharmacologica Sinica 2005, 26:453-61.

162. Zhang XY#, Yu Y#, He P, Zhang YX, Hu BY, Yang Y, Nie YX, Jiang XG, Zhao GP, Guo XK*: Expression and comparative analysis of genes encoding outer membrane proteins LipL21, LipL32 and OmpL1 in epidemic leptospires. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2005, 37:649-56.

163. Wang HT, Li ZH, Yuan JP, Zhao W, Shi XD, Tong SQ, Guo XK*: Effect of Helicobacter pylori VacA on gene expression of gastric cancer cells. World journal of gastroenterology 2005, 11:109-13.

164. Zhang YX, Li J, Guo XK, Wu C, Bi B, Ren SX, Wu CF, Zhao GP*: Characterization of a novel toxin-antitoxin module, VapBC, encoded by Leptospira interrogans chromosome. Cell research 2004, 14:208-16.

165. Yuan JP, Li T, Li ZH, Yang GZ, Hu BY, Shi XD, Shi TL, Tong SQ, Guo XK*: mRNA expression profiling reveals a role of Helicobacter pylori vacuolating toxin in escaping host defense. World journal of gastroenterology 2004, 10:1528-32.

166. Yuan JP, Li T, Chen HB, Li ZH, Yang GZ, Hu BY, Shi XD, Tong SQ, Li YX, Guo XK*: Analysis of gene expression profile in gastric cancer cells stimulated with Helicobacter pylori isogenic strains. Journal of medical microbiology 2004, 53:965-74.

167. Xu H, Zhang Y, Guo X, Ren S, Staempfli AA, Chiao J, Jiang W, Zhao G*: Isoleucine biosynthesis in Leptospira interrogans serotype lai strain 56601 proceeds via a threonine-independent pathway. Journal of bacteriology 2004, 186:5400-9.

168. Li ZH, Nie BM, Chen H, Chen SY, He P, Lu Y, Guo XK, Liu JX*: In vitro anti-coxsackievirus B(3) effect of ethyl acetate extract of Tian-hua-fen. World journal of gastroenterology 2004, 10:2263-6.

169. He P, Zhang XY, Guo XK*, Hu BY, Huang XT, Yang Y, Zhao GP*: Identification and analysis of genes present in Leptospira interrogans serovar lai but absent in L. biflexa serovar monvalerio. Acta biochimica et biophysica Sinica 2004, 36:832-9.

170. Yuan JP, Zhao W, Wang HT, Wu KY, Li T, Guo XK*, Tong SQ: Coxsackievirus B3-induced apoptosis and caspase-3. Cell research 2003, 13:203-9.

171. Yuan JP, Li T, Shi XD, Hu BY, Yang GZ, Tong SQ, Guo XK*: Deletion of Helicobacter pylori vacuolating cytotoxin gene by introduction of directed mutagenesis. World journal of gastroenterology 2003, 9:2251-7.

172. Ren SX#, Fu G#, Jiang XG#, Zeng R#, Miao YG, Xu H, Zhang YX, Xiong H, Lu G, Lu LF, Jiang HQ, Jia J, Tu YF, Jiang JX, Gu WY, Zhang YQ, Cai Z, Sheng HH, Yin HF, Zhang Y, Zhu GF, Wan M, Huang HL, Qian Z, Wang SY, Ma W, Yao ZJ, Shen Y, Qiang BQ, Xia QC, Guo XK, Danchin A, Saint Girons I, Somerville RL, Wen YM, Shi MH, Chen Z, Xu JG, Zhao GP*: Unique physiological and pathogenic features of Leptospira interrogans revealed by whole-genome sequencing. Nature 2003, 422:888-93.

173. Zhao WQ, Li H, Yamashita K, Guo XK, Hoshino T, Yoshida S, Shinya T, Hayakawa T*: Cell cycle-associated accumulation of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) in the nuclei of human gingival fibroblasts. Journal of cell science 1998, 111 ( Pt 9):1147-53.










主编《Medical Microbiology》,人民卫生出版社,2020








副主编《医学微生物学 第九版》,人民卫生出版社,2018






主编《病原生物学 第2版》,科学出版社,2013

主编《医学微生物学》,人民卫生出版社 2013






主编《病原生物学 第1版》,科学出版社,2007






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Name:Xiao-Kui Guo        


Date of birth1964.9            


Title Professor     


Address280 S. Chongqing Rd, Shanghai, China 200025                 

Office Tel021-63846590*776712                                                          


1982/091986/06 Sichuan University

1988/091991/06 Harbin Medical University

1997/092000/06 Aichi Gakuin University Japan



1986/082000/06 Department of Medical Microbiology, Harbin Medical University

2000/072019/06 Basic Medical College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

2019/07present School of Global Health, Chinese Centre for Tropical Diseases Research, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine


Academic Participation and Activities

Chinese Society for Microbiology, Council Member;

Committee of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Vice-Chairman;

Medical Bacteriology Group, Chairman

Microecology branch, China Preventive Medicine Association, Vice- Chairman

Teaching Committee of Chinese Society for Microbiology, Vice- Chairman

Committee of Microecology and Health Education, China Medical Association, Vice- Chairman

Shanghai Society for Microbiology, Vice Director and Secretary General

Microbiome Professional Committee, Shanghai Society for Microbiology, Chairman


Research interest

One health science; Antibiotics-resistant bacteria control; zoonosis;




