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【2020-05-08Shanghai Daily】Universities announce a One Health Center

作者:   发布时间 :2021年09月09日

Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Edinburgh announced the setting up of a One Health Center to study human health, animals and the environment.

The center will focus on major health problems and management between humans, animals and the environment and cultivate talent to provide technology and policy consultation for the government and carry out research.

Hainan Island and Shanghai’s Chongming Island will become two training and research sites for the One Health Center.

“The one in Hainan will mainly focus on international cooperation due to its favorable policies, while the one in Chongming will focus on ecological research such as studies into antibiotics abuse,” said Chen Guoqiang, director of the Shanghai university’s school of medicine. “The One Health Center doesn’t just pay attention to human health and diseases, it will also focus on a broad theory of health, which involves people, animal and the environment.”

The novel coronavirus pandemic has boosted establishment of the center, which will have a global and comprehensive view of the whole health picture, he said.

Officials announce the establishment of the One Health Center in Shanghai on Friday.


上一条:【2021-08-27SHINE NEWS】One Health Center opens site for human-animal-environment research

